Saturday 13 November 2010

Suu Kyi supporters await release

A police truck in Rangoon. Photo: 12 November 2010Trucks full of riot police have been seen around Rangoon

Supporters of Burmese pro-democracy leader Aung San Suu Kyi have gathered outside her home for a second day ahead of her expected release.

Reports say the military government has signed an order to release Ms Suu Kyi when her current term under house arrest expires later on Saturday.

On Friday supporters gathered but were told by a member of her NLD party to return the next day.

Trucks full of riot police have been seen in the country's main city.

Dozens of supporters gathered again near Ms Suu Kyi's lakeside home in Rangoon on Saturday.

"We are praying for her release. We are very excited," one told AFP news agency.

So far there has been no formal statement from Burma's (Myanmar) junta on Ms Suu Kyi, who has been detained for 15 of the past 21 years.

However, she is not expected to accept a conditional release if it excludes her from political activity.

The 65-year-old was originally due to be released last year, but a case involving an American who swam across Inya Lake to her home, claiming he was on a mission to save her, prompted the latest 18-month detention.

The BBC is banned from reporting in Burma but correspondent Alastair Leithead is monitoring developments from the capital of neighbouring Thailand, Bangkok.

Aung San Suu Kyi
Person holds up a poster showing a picture of Aung San Suu Kyi behind bars (16 August 2009)
Born 1945, daughter of Burma's independence hero, General Aung San assassinated in 19471960: Leaves Burma and is later educated at Oxford University1988: Returns to care for sick mother and is caught up in revolt against then-dictator Ne Win1989: Put under house arrest as Burma junta declares martial law1990: NLD wins election; military disregards result1991: Wins Nobel Peace Prize1995: Released from house arrest, but movements restricted2000: Near continuous period of house arrest beginsSept 2007: First public appearance since 2003, greeting protesting Buddhist monksNovember 2010: NLD boycotts first election in 20 years and is disbandedProfile: Aung San Suu Kyi Life in pictures: Aung San Suu Kyi

He says a number of sources inside Burma have told the BBC that documents authorising Ms Suu Kyi's release have been signed.

Officials have reportedly visited her home in University Avenue to deliver them.

Ms Suu Kyi's lawyer, Nyan Win, said on Friday: "There is no law to hold her for another day. Her detention period expires on Saturday and she will be released."

Nyan Win said she would meet with the NLD's central committee, members of the media and the public once she was freed.

The British ambassador to Burma, Andrew Heyn, has told the BBC that the UK and EU are pressing hard for Ms Suu Kyi's unconditional release, and that her freedom would have a "significant impact".

The increasing speculation that the ruling generals may sanction Aung San Suu Kyi's release follows the country's first elections in 20 years on Sunday.

Earlier this week, state media announced that partial results showed that the biggest military-backed party, the Union Solidarity and Development Party (USDP), had secured a majority in both houses of parliament.

The USDP had won 190 of the 219 seats so far declared in the 330-seat lower House of Representatives, and 95 of 107 seats in the 168-seat upper House of Nationalities, the reports said.

Those elected included the leader of the USDP, Prime Minister Thein Sein, who retired from the military as a general in April to stand.

The junta has said the election marks the transition from military rule to a civilian democracy, but the opposition, many Western governments and human rights groups have said the election was neither free nor fair.

The NLD - which won the last election in 1990 but was never allowed to take power - was ordered to dissolve after refusing to take part.

A quarter of seats in the two new chambers of parliament will be reserved for the military. Any constitutional change will require a majority of more than 75% - meaning that the military will retain a casting vote.


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Faustina Stults Wilson Shunk Valerie Gryszowka Scott Goods

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